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Welcome to our new website.

We are currently in the winter season. Some members of the bowls club play indoors over the winter season at Swale Indoor Bowls Club so we are around and playing.

The green is being looked after by our greenkeeper and his team of helpers but more help is always needed. If you are around during the week and are interested in helping with the green and socialising with the members please get in contact and we can let you know which days they are around.

We have our AGM tonight to plan for next summer. I will keep everyone updated with social events where you can meet the club and any open days we have at the clubhouse.

I will also endeavour to keep the website up to date with competitions being played and the current position of the various teams we have playing.

This is a website for current members to share and celebrate success and for potential new members to gain a little familiarity with the club.

Have a wonderful Christmas everyone and look forward to seeing you in the new year


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